One might have dwelt for long on the Educational Program (EP) statistics for 2024—who, when, what and in which format discovered, learned and reported, but in the end it all comes down to one thing—some progress, though a modest one, we dare hope, is in place. And this is the achievement. Unfortunately, one can’t ignore the fact, that it—the EP progress—is rather slowing down. ‘For what reason?’ someone might wonder. A lot of work to be done, which is mounting up, and is good in itself. After all, VSP is not running an ‘advanced studies course’, though it’s common knowledge that the EP is and will be the basis of any enterprise development, as new knowledge, skills, and insight…—they are key to future prosperity of any undertaking.
Study by employees of various topical themes along Individual EP (Individual Educational Program), 5% (reading of professional literature for 2 hours per week—at least something…), English studies, 3I (Learn&Research), and other possible ways of interaction in the system ‘human—worldwide knowledge data base’, and relevant acronyms. Studied and read not that little at all, and we do hope, not all has slipped our minds immediately.
Study by employees of various topical themes along Individual EP (Individual Educational Program), 5% (reading of professional literature for 2 hours per week—at least something…), English studies, 3I (Learn&Research), and other possible ways of interaction in the system ‘human—worldwide knowledge data base’, and relevant acronyms. Studied and read not that little at all, and we do hope, not all has slipped our minds immediately.
‘The Brightest’ 2024—Ivan Perepelyatnik! Our congratulations to the repeat award winner! Wishing sincerely new high achievements in the ‘scientific’ field!
If only certain conclusions, which laid the foundation of our vision and understanding of a trendy ‘ESG’, could be referred to the EP results—this would certainly mean that the time was not waisted. As our neural network evolves, expanding the horizons of the possible, we can better and more accurately define what is truly valuable, what is the priority, which resource is irreplaceable—it’s time, of course! Relentless in its inevitable advance forwards. That's in the first place. There is also something that humanity still has some difficulties with today in terms of replenishing global reserves—the natural environment, our planet the Earth! More and more clearly, we are beginning to realize that the resources and potential of our Home are finite, and that we should treat what we have been granted with due respect and extreme diligence.
By making our small but important input to the overall movement towards improving the efficiency of recycling, the competent way of waste recycling, and doing our best to support the cultivation of new forests in Russia—the ‘lungs of the Earth’—we go on complying with the previously announced rules of the ‘green’ agenda. (VSP: ‘Lean Operations’ Rules as an Integral Part of Sustainable Development.
The year 2025 promises to be no less exciting—well, let's put it this way— than the last few years of the Modern history of the world. We hope that the work of VSP not only provides our customers with solutions that fully meet their project requirements, but our example and our practices could also encourage someone in our business community to be even more active personally and strive for professional growth, for taking care not only of their own future, but also of the future of all of us. Encourage to take care of the future of the habitat! After all, we can do a lot together!
By making our small but important input to the overall movement towards improving the efficiency of recycling, the competent way of waste recycling, and doing our best to support the cultivation of new forests in Russia—the ‘lungs of the Earth’—we go on complying with the previously announced rules of the ‘green’ agenda. (VSP: ‘Lean Operations’ Rules as an Integral Part of Sustainable Development.
The year 2025 promises to be no less exciting—well, let's put it this way— than the last few years of the Modern history of the world. We hope that the work of VSP not only provides our customers with solutions that fully meet their project requirements, but our example and our practices could also encourage someone in our business community to be even more active personally and strive for professional growth, for taking care not only of their own future, but also of the future of all of us. Encourage to take care of the future of the habitat! After all, we can do a lot together!