Early 2018, just over a year ago, there was a number of interviews in the company run with all the VSP employees in terms of formulating and detailing individual advancement profiles for every specialist. As a result a Programme of Advancement for 2018 was reviewed and carried out throughout the year. Now is the time to sum up.
The Programme of Advancement is a «road map» aiming at (1) professional advancement of VSP employees, (2) understanding of career opportunities available.
In a short overview of the results of the Educational Programme implementation (http://vsp-co.org/en-01-2019-01_n.html) there was some statics presented for 2018. The main point reads — «In 2018 there were not less than 400 working hours dedicated to the Educational Programme for the company employees». Alongside mere statistics are concrete achievements of individuals. In 2018 two specialists were nominated to new positions — Assistant to Marketing and Sales director, Anna Agafonova was moved to a new position of Marketing Specialist; and Leading Specialist, Roman Kanshin was moved to the position Manager, Intrinsically Safe interfaces and systems business line. The relevant opportunities and conditions for fulfilment of such plans were discussed just at the time of the interviews a year ago.
Summing up provisionally the fulfilment of Advancement Programme for 2018, one may say that: (1) part of the company personnel fully utilised the potential of outlined opportunities through the year, to be exact 5 specialists; (2) some level of feedback from the programme could be noted related to 5 VSP employees; (3) and unfortunately, the rest of the company specialists have not yet paid enough attention to their professional development.
Summing up provisionally the fulfilment of Advancement Programme for 2018, one may say that: (1) part of the company personnel fully utilised the potential of outlined opportunities through the year, to be exact 5 specialists; (2) some level of feedback from the programme could be noted related to 5 VSP employees; (3) and unfortunately, the rest of the company specialists have not yet paid enough attention to their professional development.
Early this year some discussions took place concerning fulfilment of the Programme of Advancement, as well as plans for 2019. New prospective opportunities were outlined for some specialists. Taking into account the results of implementation of the Programme for the last year, the analysis carried out, some corrections were introduced into the Programme in terms of its practical implementation. In the first place, tasks and conditions for realisation of the educational plan are fixed in a better way. If last year the company employees to some extent were guided by an optional opportunity to participate in the Programme, now to a certain level everyone has to dedicate time to work on the Programme under office hours.
To advance professionally is not an easy task at all, it certainly demands effort and discipline. We count that results of implementation of the Programme of Advancement in 2019 will be noticeable not only to specialists and their colleagues, but to VSP customers as well. In the end, all the efforts and steps undertaken by the company in terms of its practices are aimed at improvement of the quality level of operation.
We think that VSP is not just a company. VSP is a platform, on which basis every employee can realise his or her potential and be successful.